No More Plastic II ~ A Play About Global Warming, Plastic, and Fracking

No More Plastic II ( A Play About Global Warming, Plastic and Fracking

At the end of No More Plastic a plas-tax was set, and Eva Menila and her team were defeated. But 4 years later, Eva is back with a new malicious plan. But Reece is back too, and is ready to fight back. The two sides clash again, with new allies- and enemies -, for an inspiring, musical, and downright hilarious adventure.
Eva Menila- A rich, selfish, and just downright heartless woman... Who's getting married. Eva is determined to follow in her mother’s footsteps to destroy the planet and rule the world. But what is her plan? And what made her so twisted in the first place?
Roberto Kong- He and Eva plan to rule the world from their plastic paradise in the arctic... That is, after they get married of course! This man will do anything to make his fiancées dream a reality.
Reece- The wise turtle. Reece will not rest until Eva's plan has been foiled for good. After his wife was killed by a plastic bag, he has devoted his life to make sure plastic is banned. He speaks against the use of fossil fuels around the country.
Sad Penguin- A good friend of Reece. He is suffering from the migration of anchovies due to climate change. He works with Reece to foil Eva's plan.
Reece Jr. - Reece's son. He stands by his father and friends. He has great ideas, but no one can really understand him, as he is still learning to speak properly.
Sad Penguin Jrs. - Sad Penguin's son. Sorry, make that sons. Sad Penguin Jrs. are Siamese twins, so things can get weird since they tend to speak at the same time. And they seem to obsess over the internet.
Broccoli Barak- The president of the United States. He supports Reece and his team, and is trying his hardest. Well, that could be because Mother Earth is his mother...
Mother Earth- Broccoli Barak's mother. She is suffering the most since that she is literally being torn apart...
The Media- the Media aren't on anyone's sides. Or at least they don't say they are.
The Butterflies- The butterflies need a healthy environment to live in, and support the use of solar energy.
Little Evie- Eva's niece. Little Evie is on Reese's team, but unlike the rest of her teammates, she doesn't dislike her aunt. Little Evie plays a big role in this fight.
Poppy, Styro and Foam- Eva's butlers. They're just as twisted as Eva herself.
Little Evie's Mom- Naturally, Little Evie's mom supports her daughter. Little Evie's mom has an amusing British accent.
Frog- the Frog was part of Eva's... "Transformation" into the evil woman she is today.
Mini Menila- Eva as a child. This was before Eva turned evil.
Josh the Fox
Flashback/ Random Child/
Methane Dancers
Green Dreamers
Bob-O- An old activist buddy of Broccoli Baraks
Costume Designers
Climate Change and How to Stop It
There are several debates going on all over the world. One of these debates is about climate change and how to stop it.
Most scientists agree that reducing our fossil fuel use will slow down the heating of the earth, which leads to climate change.
Fossil fuels include oil, gas and coal. These fuels must be mined from deep within the earth.
         In this libretto, the fossil fuel use that is being debated is Hydraulic Fracturing, better known as FRACKING. It is a relatively new form of gas drilling that drills several miles into the earth to shale layers. Water sand and chemicals are then injected into the ground at extremely high pressures that “fracture” the shale rock and release the gas. This debate is going on ALL over the world, BECAUSE it is a VERY SERIOUS ISSUE.
         Here in New York State the debate is HEATED! Currently, Governor Cuomo has not made a decision yet about FRACKING. Those against FRACKING are concerned about many aspects of the process, but the main concern is the environmental health of the LAND, WATER and AIR, as well as the PEOPLE and ANIMALS that live in areas where this takes place. In addition, they are concerned about all the new pipelines that must be built to carry this gas to homes and businesses. Those against FRACKING want to see a commitment by New York State to a GREEN ENERGY FUTURE!
         Those FOR FRACKING argue that the ECONOMIC health of the state will be threatened if we do not support it. They argue that the green energy future is far off: that gas is cleaner than coal or oil, and that we can be independent from foreign oil. They debate that it will produce much-needed jobs, especially in rural communities. Those against FRACKING disagree.
         The debate will continue to go on and on. RECENTLY 200,000 comments by concerned individuals and scientists were sent to Governor Cuomo and the Department of Environmental Conservation about FRACKING. The MOST comments they ever received on any other issue were 500. That’s because once FRACKING starts it cannot be stopped. It’s not about drilling one well; it’s about drilling thousands of wells. It is an industrial process.
         So hopefully this libretto will get YOU curious about the FRACKING issue.

Libretto No More Plastic Part 2 or Methane Madness
MS (possibly to the tune of we are the world)
We are the world, and we love plastic
We are the ones to change the world, and melt the polar icecaps
If we gather together, then we can change the weather
Plastic forevermore, for you and me

Foam & EM
Puhpuhpuh plastic. Hit it!
We love plastic and we know it, know it!
Not afraid to use it, use it!
Plastics, Plastics everywhere
Activists, they shouldn’t care
We love plastic and we know it, know it, know it! (Eva enter)
 She’s Sassy Eva Diva, she always get her way
Throw it, throw it, and throw it!
EM That is   what I say!

EM I’m ruining the trees. I’m killing’ off the bees
I’m Sassy Eva Diva, doing as I please!
I’m Sassy Eva Diva, I always get my way!
Throw it, throw it, throw it!
That is what I say!
We love plastic! We love plastic! We love plastic! Plastic’s here to stay!
MS (back to tune of we are the world)
We love plastic. We know it’s great
We want you to know it too
Especially here in New York State
If we gather together,
then we can change the weather
Plastic forevermore, for you and me

PM You’ve got to fight, for your right, to use plastic
You’ve got to fight, for your right, to use Frack gas. It’s a tough world!
Who needs to fight. I’ve already won!!
I’m sassy Eva Diva, I always get my way! Ahh, it’s a great day for polluting Mother Earth!
PM You go Eva!
EM Know what McPop? This dress will last FOREVER, like all plastic! It will never go away! AWAY, AWAY, AWAY! Kids think they can “throw away” garbage. There's no such THING as away! Those neat little bags by the curb. Garbage dump!
PM Lasts forever! Why wash a cup, when you can use plastic? (He takes a drink and throws his cup)
Page 1
EM With every bit of plastic thrown AWAY and every bit of fossil fuel burned Mother Earth gets closer and closer to complete Global Warming and then, MY DYNASTY with be complete!!!
PM You’re right Eva. Most people don't know the first thing about plastic. (They talk quietly together. heads shaking)
SPJ (calls to audience) Did YOU know that the first plastics ever made are still on this planet! 
EM What a privilege to be part of Global Warming!!! There’s just one PROBLEM! Those STUPID animals keep eating MY plastic! 
(Turtle swimming trying to eat a plastic bag stuck on a stick)
PM They’re killing themselves! It's quite a show really.
EM Yes, watching them “ S L O W L Y” ingest tiny bits of plastic until they’ve finally starved themselves to death. What a pity! (Sarcasm)
PM You would think they would have learned by now!
EM They’re getting full all right, but not on JELLYFISH!
PM How brilliant Eva!
EM I can't take credit for THAT Poppy! They do it do themselves. Gobbling up plastic bags like they're jellyfish!! And I can't help it if all that plastic garbage that goes to the landfills SOMEHOW ends up in Mother Earth's lakes and rivers! Blame the wind for THAT! Not me!
PM You better believe it!  There's a humungous plastic island out in the Pacific twice the size of the state of Texas!! 
EM Great, the LESS those idiots recycle, the MORE plastic the PLASTICS INDUSTRY will need.
PM Yes, more Natural Gas, better known as Frack Gas, will be needed, and the faster we will reach our goal of a HUGE PLASTIC ISLAND IN THE ARCTIC! You and Kong will rule the world!
EM From our Plastic Paradise! At 85 degrees polar bears will be history and those whining penguins in those ridiculous outfits too! (Show a map!)
PM Eva, I have a great idea! Let's speed this up! Let's make a law that says that all stores must triple bag! That’s a 50% increase!
EM NO Poppy! (She twirls around in her dress) Quadruple bag!!  I am a genius! Get Mayor Bloombug on the line!
PM Plastastic!  That’s a 100% increase! We’ll reach our goal in half the time!
EM Get to it McPop! (He starts calling the mayor)
Page 2
EM MONOLOGUE (to the audience)
EM  (lots of sarcasm and drama)
All the pollution, all the pollution, (say)
People can be such fools! (say)
Is there any solution, is there any solution? (sing)_
Why can’t there be a rule?! (sing)
Animals cry! Oh my! (fakes crying)
Sea creatures die! Boo hoo!
Why is the world, why is the world, why is the world so cruel! (sing sweetly) (cackle afterwards)

Styro (Poppy enters with a large bag of plastic)
EM Styro, How much plastic do we have in stock?
Styro About 5 Empire State Buildings full, Miss Menila.
EM Good! Just 2 more, and I will have enough to make Methane Island complete! Mwahahahahahahahahahaaaaaa!
Styro You and Roberto Kong will rule!
EM The garbage makers of the world have provided supplies for my new empire AND now I will rule them in the Menila/Kong DYNASTY! HahahahahahaHAAAA! (Cough, cough!)
PM Evie, sit down! What’s the matter?! (Still coughing)
EM (EM waves him off) I am not finished yet! (cough) I will destroy the Green Dreamers and put Mother Earth in Fossil Fuel Prison! Her head will be reeling from all that methane and carbon. Plastastic! Plastastic! (cough) (PM reenters with the methane dancers and the dress)
PM Eva, the wedding rehearsal is moved to tomorrow at noon exactly! We're just putting the finishing touches on your dress!
EM Hush, hush about my dress! I want to surprise Kong!!!
PM Come, let's try on this dress! (Methane dancer enters)
EM (Methane dancers change EM into her dress! She struts around with them holding her train))
EM (This little light of mine)
This little dress of mine, it is really fine
This little dress of mine, it is really fine
This little dress of mine, it is really fine
It will live, it will live, forevermore!
MD (Here comes the hootenanny) (Tune of This Land Is Your Land) (EM joins in with their dance)
This gal wants plastic. She just wants plastic.
This elastic plastic is made from fracked gas!
It’s filling up the trees. It’s clogging up the seas.
Fracking was made for you and me
(They all circle EM) Ring around the plastic, Pockets full of plastic
Global Warming! We all heat up!
(EM has a coughing fit and they all shuffle her off stage)

EM Plastic is fantastic! Everybody loves it!  I love plastic. You love it!  She loves it! He loves it! It’s great for dresses…It’s great for dos (hairdos) what’s the problem? (To the audience)
PM Did you know that the Prince of Audi Sarabia is forking out $100 million dollars to tow icebergs from the arctic to his country?
EM Why?
PM They’re running out of fresh water there, but they’ve got plenty of oil money, so TOW TOW TOW your iceberg! He breaks into song, but Eva interrupts him)
EM So the king of the world’s largest oil reserve is paying a king’s ransom for fresh water!   Wish I thought of that. He’s crazy though! There’s plenty of water! What about last week’s hurricane! (Phone rings- ringtone is plastic song) (This land wants plastic, It just wants plastic!)
PM (poppy answers- He motions) Eva! The Prince! He said he CAN tow the plastic island up to the Arctic.
EM My dreams are coming true! Plastastic!  (coughing)
LE (wakes from a nap and jumps into the conversation) Auntie Eva! The water IS running out Eva. Rivers ARE trickling and lakes ARE sinking. Three of the world’s greatest rivers don’t meet THE SEA anymore.
EM You’re dreaming my little plastic ducky. (She tries to hug LE, but LE is agitated and she pulls away!) Don’t worry LE. Your auntie has a plan!
LE No Auntie, YOU listen to ME. Please!  I want to be part of the SOLUTION and you should to!

LE  (sings) All the pollution, all the pollution,
Why are we all such fools!
There is a solution! There is a solution!
People need to follow rules!
If animals are crying
And sea creatures are dying!
We must start trying
All the pollution! Where’s the solution!
EM You’re LOOKIN’ at the solution right here Ducky! (She interrupts LE)
LE Then you must know who Pete Seeger is.  He started a whole environmental movement in the 70s that’s still alive today! He had this great idea to build a sailing boat that will remind people that caring for Mother Earth is EVERYONE’S job!
EM Yeah, I remember that guy! (to PM only)That old buzzard is still causing trouble McPop!
LE Buzzard? (she looks confused) The Native Americans believe that the earth is an extension of our bodies and the rivers are our circulatory system.
EM Yeah! And look where it got the Native Americans! (she whispers to PM) Just keep her away from the United Nations!
LE and when we went to the United Nations, we learned that 2 out of 3 people around the world do NOT have clean water to drink.
EM (To the audience) Ah, that must be what’s bugging that old hag Mother Earth!
EM to LE When clean water runs out we’ll melt the icebergs and sell water too!!    

LE Don’t you understand? I want to live with less! I want to be part of the solution!
EM (She pushes LE away and screams to PM) Get the Prince on the phone. Maybe we can get in on the iceberg deal!
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EM (to little Eva) Evie, Don’t you worry my pretty sweetie! Auntie Evie has a plan. You will be the princess of my dynasty. We’ll get you a pretty plastic dress with pretty plastic bows! (EM tries putting a plastic flower in her hair)
LE AUNTIE!!!!!!! (EM throws the flower) You’re not listening, PLASTIC IS MADE FROM NATURAL GAS!
EM They’re just trying to brainwash you Ducky!!! My Plastic corporations will rule the world. We, you, Kong and I, will live FOREVER wrapped in plastic!
LE People are getting sick auntie Eva! Children are dying! I wrote an essay in school and I won 2nd place! Listen
o   I am all about water and clean oceans.  I love playing in the ocean.  I'm sure you do too.  What if you couldn't?  What if the water you like to swim in is ruined? What if there are no more fish to swim around your feet, tickling you?  What if the animals are gone?  Well, believe it or not, they are becoming extinct, and pretty darn fast too.  That's why you should donate to the THINK BEYOND PLASTIC SOCIETY. They save what you love. 
EM THINK BEYOND PLASTIC SOCIETY!!! (EM looks HORRIFIED. She grabs the essay, and rips it up? ) (LE looks shocked.) I hate fish! Who needs them!
COMMERCIAL- GUESS THAT GLASSA Skit About Water Pollution Around the World
Host of Show: Welcome to guess that glass! ARE YOU ALL    THIRSTY?
All Kids in audience: YES!!! (Choose 3 contestants on Treadmills)
Kid#1: I pick glass number 1 (guzzles it down)
Host: You picked clean water FROM THE CATSKILL’S PRISTINE WATERSHED! (Show a slide! Sound Effects!)
Kid#1: Good as GOLD!
Kid#2 and kid#3: (panting and nodding heads)
Host: Now one of our lucky contestants may choose water from the HUDSON RIVER or …….
Kid #2: Me! Me!
Kid #3: (stops for a second) Doesn’t the Hudson River have PCBs in it?
Host: Sure it does! Don’t eat the fish in the Hudson!
Kid #2: I can’t eat the fish…but I can drink the water! (She’s thinking, looking perplexed)
Host: How about this water from the GOWANUS CANAL!
Kids #2 #3: What? Are you trying to poison usDo you have good insurance?
Host: No…..but … There are many diseases caused by drinking polluted water. Would you like to hear a few of them? (Name a few)
Both Kids: Lots of gagging (sound effects of barfing)
Host: I told them before only 1 out of 3 people have access to CLEAN WATER. ……Who do they think they are? George Washington?!
Both Kids: BOOOO! Throw plastic bottles at him!

(Enter SPSPJ and ME)
SPJ Why is Eva Menila so evil Mother Earth?
ME Well Junior, when she was a little girl….
Flashback to EM as a little girl, ME. SP as a little penguin
ME (ME appears. She’s reminiscing) Clearwater! Clear, clear water! Clearwater! Clear, clear water! Clearwater~~~~~~ (Opera version!)
SP (runs up to ME and hugs her. He then starts to sing as a frog jumps past him)
 Froggie Froggie! (He points and shouts as Froggie runs away) (He then sings the next song in a gentle, sweet voice. The Green Dreamers join in.)
 Oh Little Froggie, Don’t run away
 Oh Little Froggie, Come out and play (Froggie turns around)
 Oh Little Froggie, Come to me (He beckons to Froggie)
 Oh Little Froggie, I will let you be (Froggie starts to hop closer)
 Froggy, Froggy, There you are? (He’s now petting Froggie)
 Froggy, Froggy, don’t go far (Froggie is very content)
F- Hoppy Froggie! Hoppie Froggie!! (He hops around SP)
SP Froggy, Froggy, you’re OK (at this point they are all snuggled up. Froggy is riveting happily)
 Froggy, Froggy l just want to play!
MM (as a little girl) (enters) Charlie Penguin. Charlie penguin. (She sees them across the stage)Can I play?
(SP and FROGGIE are having so much fun, and they are both riveting, so that they don’t hear LEM calling SP!!)
MM (she sits down to cry) (She starts CRYING LOUDER AND LOUDER! HER 2 FRIENDS are holding hands, and singing the Froggie song. They still don’t hear her.)
I’ll show that slimey, slimey…. (When she can’t get their attention, she gets so angry that she’s been left out that she chases after them with a bucket of soapy water. She throws it on Froggie! He whimpers and runs off).
SP Quick Froggie. Quick! Wash the poison off before it makes you sick. (Froggie runs off whimpering in agony)
Little Mini Menila!
MM It’s just soap!
SP Soap could kill him! Now, he’ll never trust me again….and he’ll never be back. Oh, how could you Eva? My daddy told me that frogs are a sign of a healthy environment. We need froggies!
MM Who cares about a slimey frog! (Shouts to Froggie!) Get lost you icky amphibian! Disgusting! 
SP (He’s crying now.) I hope he’s ok. What did you do that for?
MM Baby Penguin, suck your thumb, (she screams) …… Oh, get lost you little runt…. (She throws her doll at sad penguin and screams out) “By the way, your parents look like waiters, and so do you!
SP You’re mother’s so. Never mind! (He looks back with big eyes)

SPJ (present time) so that’s when Evil Eva was born Daddy? and is that when you became Sad Penguin?
SP Yes, that’s when I changed my name.
SPJ  I guess you and EM never made up.
SP I tried, but then we lost touch. Eventually she decided to fulfill her mother’s dream of heating up the planet enough to melt the polar icecaps, so the real estate she bought there would be the new vacation spot. Her mother’s dream was postponed when the animals and the kids lobbied for a Plastax and everyone stopped wasting it. So Eva lobbied to get it repealed, so…now she has PLENTY of plastic!
SPJ let's daydream our way to a solution.
SP All solutions begin with acts of love SPJ.    Page 6
SPJ How about a YouTube message about our most precious resource daddy?
SP What do you know about YouTube SPJ?
SPJ I know a lot of people watch YouTube! It may work!
SP You may be right SPJ.
SPJ Even Evil Eva can’t live without clean water
SP Oh hey Reese. What’s up? (They give each other the flounder handshake) (SPJ and RJ do the same)
Reese Anything that’s cheap or free people think they can just GET RID OF IT!  I think that raising the cost of plastic would make people use less, like they did with cigarettes! Looks like whoever is making all this plastic wants us addicted, because all those plastic bags are freeeeee!!!
RJ How awfoue and all the while it’s kiwing us and. I gots an idea. It takes about twenny five recycled bottles, to make one fweece sweater. Let’s make the plastic bottles into clotwes! 
Reese Watch out! It’s made from PLASTIC too!  Remember, it NEVER biodegrades. It just breaks down into tinier and tinier particles and all the tiny sea creatures eat them. And then it makes it is way up the food chain.  Stick with WOOL sweaters. Wool is made from sheep, it’s biodegradable, and it grows back every year. You just have to keep your sheep healthy, so keep them away from FRACKING! Be back in a jiffy. I’m going for a swim kids. (He dives in)
SPJ & RJ (in unison) Can we come?
R No! It’s too dangerous. Don’t forget what happened to Mama. Rest in Peace Mama! Killed by a plastic bag! (shake your heads)
SP   Don't humans care? We are what we eat, and so are they!
RJ Souwnds wike a no bwainer to me!! Sad pengwin, do anchovios eat pwastic?! 
SPJ They live in the ocean, don't they? The problem with anchovies is they keep swimming deeper into the ocean and we can’t catch them!
RJ It’s good for them, but not for you! Wite?
SPJ Right! I can’t hold my breathe that long! Uncle Peter Penguin died when he went too deep!
RJ Why don’t we have any wights?! Why isn’t this taught in scuul?
SPJ It is! The Green Dreamers made a movie about it…but people live far, far away from the landfills and …(shrug shoulders) They sing the songs, celebrate Earth Day and then they FORGET. There's always TOMORROW or someone ELSE to blame! Right Daddy?
SP Out of sight. Out of mind!
Reese (He climbs out of the water with plastic bags hanging off of him) I can barely take a swim at the beach without having to swim through plastic bags and wrappers! 
 SPJ Water! Our most precious resource! Use it! Please don’t abuse it! Clean water now!
SP (all bold) Wake up, there’s plastic everywhere
(Green Dreamers- not bold) There’s not enough people who really care
SP When you go outside you see plastic land
This why plastic must be banned!!!
In the park we have plastic in trees
Next thing you know, we will have plastic leaves
Animals are dying
But we keep buying
You look outside and what do you see
A plastic bag instead of a tree
Plastic plastic has no cost?!
Animals die and we’ll be lost
Plastic plastic everywhere
Plastic plastic why don’t they care?
This planet should be good for us,
Shape up, clean up, we must, we must!
This planet should be good for us,
We need to care, not just for us!
From birth to dust, we must, we must,
Help the world if the world’s to help us,

Let’s work together in every nation,
Let the answers come from our generation!
It’s time to let the kids take over,
(SP Only) Don’t count on luck from a four-leaf clover! (He handed a clover, but he gesture no)

WE INTERUPT THIS UTUBE VIDEO JOSH the FOX has just been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Reporter:  Recently history was made! Josh the Fox, (Josh waves.) the filmmaker of the Oscar nominated documentary Methane Madness I and NOW Methane Madness II, was nominated for the Nobel peace prize. (Loud talking in the crowd.) ( Reporter puts her finger to her mouth)
JtheFox As many of you know, I will be taking a trip to Mexico to see what the plastic situation is like there, and to talk about green energy solutions! (More loud clapping in the crowd. RJ is tugging on the reporter’s shirt)
RJ Sorry, I want to go with Josh the Fox. I’M AN ACHTIVIST!! I want to tell the little animals of the world that if we all work together, we can make a difference!
JtheFox Hey little guy! Thanks for caring. I hear you’re spreading the word about the dangers of plastic!
RJ Sure, and thanks for spweading the word about Fwacking.
JtheFox- Somebody’s gotta do it. Might as well be me!  Little guy, how about you and your friends swim on down to MEXICO. I could sure use your help down there. There’s a sea of plastic there and it’s getting worse.
RJ Sure thing Josh. You’re my hero. I wote a song for you. Wanna hearwit?
JtheFox Oh Yeah!
If pwastic is made fwom naturow gas, (RJ)
dere’s no way dis world wiw last,
Lookin’ foe gas, our water turns bwown,
No more fwoggies swimming around,
Pwastic makers boawst, boawst, boawst,
Its aways de same, animals suffer de most!   
A ban on pwastic is what wez need!
For every tuwtle and every seed!

JtheF That was awesome! I think we’re gonna make a great team! See you in MEXICO! (flounder shake) (They walk off chatting together)
Reporter: Oh-well, uh-I’m just going to pretend that’s not the most awesome thing I’ve ever heard (The reporter walks off the stage slightly crying) (Once of the stage you hear ;) WHY WASN’T IT ME!!!!!!! MEXICO!
 New Scene ME and BB SP SPJ R RJ (ME calls BB.) (The others are with ME, looking concerned)
ME (phone is ringing ME is anxious to talk to her son Broccoli) Broccoli Barak! Answer this phone!
BB- (He answers) Hi Mom. How are you? How’s your weather?
ME Baby Barak, three of the world’s greatest rivers aren’t reaching the ocean! (She starts to cry. The others are comforting her.)
BB-(He whispers) don’t call me that Mom.
BB Don’t worry Mom! I’ve got good news for you! Scientists are trying to create biodegradable plastic bags.
ME Thanks for trying Baby Barak, but scientists think that it will take several hundred years for even THOSE BAGS to break down to tiny particles. Even then it ISN’T biodegradable. But the problem is worse than thatHumans are wasting water! And all that FRACKING is going to ruin us! Millions of gallons of water are wasted when each gas well is Fracked!
R-Yes, and the natural gas that's extracted is used to make plastics! (to the audience)
BB- Do you think people even realize that plastics are a fossil fuel?
ME No one makes the connection. And all fossil fuels add to the GLOBAL WARMING! And the US is the worst! They are 5% of the world’s population, but they use 80% of the world’s fossil fuels!
SPJ That’s not all. They buy a candy bar that’s wrapped in plastic, then they ask for a plastic bag.(to the audience)
A Methane Dancer- (walks by with a plastic bag. He stops, takes out a candy bar, eats it, and then drops them both on the ground.)
R (Reese grabs it) they eat the candy bar, and then throw them both AWAY. AWAY, AWAY, AWAY!!! Where does everyone think AWAY is?
ME The truth is that plastic ends up in landfills, produces METHANE, a greenhouse gas 20x worse than CO2 OR it blows its way into the ocean.
R Right! My front yard!
SP (He motions to ME that he wants to speak to BB) President?
BB Broccoli Barack here.
SP It's me, SP.  Barak. We need your help. The animals are dying. They’re choking on all that plastic!
BB-It’s terrible! But what can we do?
ME- Do SOMETHING! (She can’t get the bags off of her)
BB We still have a chance! I’ll go back to Congress and try to pass a Plas-tax. Then I’ll call for a ban on Fossil Fuels. Then we’ll raise the gas mileage for all cars,
SPJ We’ll give Pizza parties to all schools that save energy!
RJ And we'll haves bike waffles evwey week!
SPJ And put turbines in every river, like the ones in NY Harbor, and windmills on every highway, solar on every school and gardens on every roof,
BB and fix all the water fountains so everyone will stop buying plastic bottles.  
ME –DREAM ON my children. You don’t have a majority Baby Barak. Face it, you’ll get nothing passed. We’re doomed. I’m tired. We’ve been fighting too long. (Phone rings)
BB Hold on. I have another call. (BB gets another call.)  What! Eva Menila just ordered a shipment of plastic bags to make her dress for the weddingHow many? (pause) Enough to smother thousands of baby turtles and their mothers!! ?
Don't worry!  Eva Menila hasn’t won yet!
(He connects back to his Mom) Mom.  I have an idea Mother.
ME OK OK It’s perfect! But we have to act fast. (She motions them off stage)

Scene goes to Eva Menila primping for the wedding. (Methane Dancers are putting plastic flowers in her hair.)
LE (LE and her Mom have come for the wedding) I’m so excited about Auntie Eva’s wedding! (Eva’s niece and her mom walk over to the hot tub.) (Have someone blowing bubbles)-
LE It looks so bubbly and inviting.  Come on Mama. (MM and MMM get into the tub and continues to pop the bubbles)
LEM My sister sure knows how to live.
RK (Kong talks to the audience as she dances)
RK Plastic, plastic, look at her fly!
RK Plastic, plastic, without it she’d die!!
RK It makes her heart sing, and look at her swing!
RK What a lovely dress,
EM So who cares about the mess
EM Am I better than the rest?
RK You Bet! You bet! You’ve passed my test!
RK Plastic, plastic, look at her fly!
RK Plastic, plastic, without it she’d die!!

LE In my class today we were learning about migration. (as she’s popping bubbles)
LEM Did you hear that bird migration patterns are being altered because of global warming!
SP (He’s hiding) She better believe they are. I’ve been migrating all over the world to spread the news about the anchovies and my dying relatives.
LE- Mom. No no no. I’m talking about GAS MIGRATION! Wow, it was so cool! I couldn’t wait to go home to see if MY water could light on fire.
LEM Oh honey, that’s ridiculous. Where do you get these stories!
EM (Enters and LEM gestures her into the tub)
LE How about the cover of PEOPLE MAGAZINE! The movie Methane Madness was up for an Oscar and the director, Josh the Fox won an Emmy for it. The movie shows people all over the country, who can light their water! Fracking, a new form of Gas drilling, can lead to METHANE MIGRATION, not to mention WATER POLLUTION from the poisonous chemicals used in the process and… …when water gets methane in it, it can light on____
EM (she abruptly interrupts LE, pushing her underwater)
LE (she comes up sputtering) on, on (she pushes her down again) FIRE! It’s actually really interesting, BUT pretty scary. I would not want my horse Melanie drinking that water!
LEM NO ONE should be drinking that water!
EM It will make him spunky Evie. 
LEM and EM (share raised eyebrows and glances) Spunky?! You’re joking. Right?!   Page 10
EM NO! It’s my hobby to encourage all living things to waste fossil fuels-
LE It’s my hobby to discourage all living things from wasting fossil fuels…AND DRINKING THEM!
EM Why are you such an ACTIVIST!
LE ’WELL, I’ll tell you why! Remember when we lived under that coal fired power plant and there was a PCB explosion and all the frogs died.
EM Frogs are gross.
LE Remember the deformed seagulls
EM Weird…
LE Remember all the bloated dead fish, I had to swim in the BATHTUB THAT SUMMER AUNTIE!
EM Sooo…. (Makes whining hand gestures)
LE Try having a pool party in YOUR bathtub!
 (Flashback singing party in the bath tub – Eva’s flashback)
Get ready, set, go!
I hopped into the bath tub
Screaming “everybody look at me now”!
Evie’s in the bath tonight! Yeah!
Evie’s in the bath tonight! Yeah!

EM We ALL had a blast!  (Laughing)
LE -That’s not how remember it. It was icky! The water was black- (slides in the background) my yellow ducky
EM- Your yellow duckie became the BLACK SWAN!!

LEM (starts to cough). What’s that odd smell in here? And what do you know about WATER ON FIRE? Whoa! What IS that awful smell? (LEM jumps up)
EM My dear silly sissy, that’s the lovely smell of my favorite perfume. I put some in the hot tub just for you!? It’s my new secret recipe. “Methane Mist!!”
LEM Are you crazy? (jumps out of the hot tub and drags LE along with her) That water could catch on fire!!
EM It’s just “NATURAL GAS!” (mean AND mad)
LEM Natural Gas is a Fossil fuel! It’s highly flammable and toxic!
LE I’m feeling light-headed Mommy. (LEM pulls her away from the tub and starts fanning her)
LEM Frack water harms human health Eva!
EM PROVE IT! ( EM jumps out of the water and confronts LEM)
LEM Just because I can’t see the poison in my water doesn’t mean it’s NOT THERE!
EM Prove that it’s poison!
LEM Prove that it’s safe (EM turns away)! Face it Eva, the secret is out! It’s poisonous!
EM Ok, it’s a little poisonous ~SO WHAT– YOU use fossil fuels!
LEM Little Evie, Let’s get out of here!
EM Get that away from the hot tub…!! (she’s pointing to Kong’s cake)   
RK Why? It’s Evie’s birthday cake! (He trips on the rubber ducky and drops the candle into the tub and sparks fly! The gas lights on fire. METHANE appears holding pom-poms with orange, red, and yellow STREAMERS)
Disrespected greenhouse gas (the character methane appears with voice changer to create a different, deeper voice)
I’m disrespected greenhouse gas
Methane is my name
I am powerful I trap heat
I’m infamous in my game
Disrespected greenhouse gas
Our temperature is rising
Will you let this problem pass?
Global warming’s striking!

I’m disrespected greenhouse gas
Methane is my name
I am powerful. I trap heat.
I’m infamous in my game
Methane Get lost kid!! (he screams)

R Kong (who was standing by the sidelines chimes in) I told you not to sign that Frack gas lease to drill for natural gas! What were you thinking!
EM- WHAT are you talking about? No big deal. What do you think the bubbles in the CHAMPANGE were sweetums? (she says sarcastically)
RK (Kong’s inner Hulk starts to come out!!) EVA!!!!!!!!!!(pound, pound, pound pound!)
EM Kong! Keep your inner Hulk under control dear!
RK (He pounds his chest and screams.)
EM (starts coughing and can’t stop.)
RK (Kong brings her to a chair. She brushes him away. He tries to be nice. She pushes him away). Its ok sweetums, honey bun, toasted marshmallows. (EM Still coughing) Oh Eva, my beautiful plastic bride!
(He tries to distract her) Our wedding day will go down in history. My beautiful bride! And the wedding dinner! The turtle soup will be perfection. The cooks said it was so easy to collect up all the dead turtles that were killed by the plastic. They were just scooped up off the beach. What I tasted was scrumptious.
SP Scrumptious?! (Hiding, but speaking to the audience)
EM It was? I couldn’t taste a thing! And it was green! I hate GREEN!
RK I ordered it especially for you. All the guests will love it. (He stops for a moment, and looks puzzled) Eva, you couldn’t taste it?
EM (Eva shakes her head. She’s still coughing)
RK Eva, are you coming down with a cold?
EM I’m as strong as an ox (still coughing and holding her head) stronger than an ox!! What I can’t see won’t hurt me.
SP She’s contaminated from drinking water with the methane gas! (to the audience)
EM (Eva starts hallucinating) The Empire State building is empty!!! Someone has stolen the plastic! What?! There is NOW citywide recycling of ALL plasticOh NO!!!!
EM (Eva ignores him)
RK How long since you can’t smell or taste anything Eva?     Page 12
EM (she’s tossing and turning) Ever since they drilled that gas well.
RK (he leads Eva over to a cot and she lies down.  I’ll turn on your favorite song!

(Methane Dancers Sing)
Living in a Fracking Wonderland
To the tune of “Walking in a Winter Wonderland”© 2012 N. Starr

Diesels chug, drills are winding, (With hand on shoulder, wheel motion with the other arm)
In the lane, truck gears grinding (Same thing, opposite direction)
There’s racket tonight, (Both arms up, hands shaking)
What a wonderful sight, (Sweep arms out, right hand on brow, left hand on hip)
Living in a fracking wonderland. (Figure 8 with hands)
Not sure? You should try it! (Palms up, arms out, shrug, circle your hands to yourself)
Here to stay. It’s a riot! (Point to the ground, hands up, shaking)
Trucks parade (Roll hands over each other)
Like pie that’s homemade, (Left hand is a plate, right hand is eating the pie)
Living in a fracking wonderland. (Figure 8 with hands)
SP Here you thought, you’d retire,
SP Now your water’s on fire
A treat to the eyes, (Make a circle with fingers around eyes)
What a surprise, (Frame your smile)
Living in a fracking wonderland. (Figure 8 with hands)
In (Stomp right foot) the meadow (Left foot) now there stands a well pad, (Hands together, raise hands and arms up to the sky)
Fracking fluids down into the ground (Bring hands down all the way, fingers wiggling like rain)
SP Don’t let the kids drink your water now
 You don’t know all the cracks the fracks have found.
 Gone away, is your old world,
Now you live in a bold world (Flex muscles)
The racket tonight, (Both arms up, hands shaking) what a wonderful sight, (Sweep arms out, right hand on brow, left hand on hip)
Living in a fracking wonderland. (Figure 8 with hands)
Living in a fracking wonderland. (Figure 8 with hands)
Living in a fracking wonderland. (Figure 8 with hands)

(Bob-O joins the group. They all welcome him)
Bob-o Fossil Fuel extraction is contaminating water. (Megaphone)
ME Turtles, penguins, frogs and activists around the world~ spread the word! (To audience)(Megaphone)
Bob-o Water is wasted every day! The public needs to be educated about fresh water! It’s being taken for granted. (To audience)(Megaphone)ME Only 2.5%­­­­––– of the world’s water is fresh, and that supply is SHRINKING and being polluted. (To audience)(Megaphone)R By FOSSIL FUEL EXTRACTION! (Megaphone)
ME We need solutions, NOT pollution- the earth can’t take it anymore. I can’t take it anymore. I’m being ripped apart!  We need to know the consequences of Fracking before we continue. Scientists need to be consulted. (Megaphone)
SP Quebec has banned it, Vermont and Pittsburg! Why not NEW YORK! (Megaphone)
Bob-o Who owns the earth, air and water? (To audience)(Megaphone)
EM I do! I am Eva Menila and I will do as I please! (She calls from her bed and then collapses again)
Bob-O “Life cannot exist without water! Fracking cannot exist without water! (To audience)(Megaphone)
R Water waste is a major cause of climate change! (To audience)(Megaphone)
SP In the first half of 2011 tornadoes in the United States killed more than 500 people. (Megaphone) (To audience)
EM (screams) Fools! They’re all fools!
Bob-O We’re drying and flooding our planet!!! (To audience)(Megaphone)
ME You bet! (She sits up) Our plan is working Kong! Our estate will be ready sooner than we thinkAll the glaciers are melting! Our real estate in the Arctic will be worth a fortune! (She’s very weak) (Kong comforts her)
SP Contact your government and let them know that we can’t keep polluting and wasting water! (To audience)(Megaphone)
R There need to be laws that protect our environment. (to audience)(megaphone)
SPJ Creatures are getting sick. (He joins the group)  Creatures can live one month without food, but only one week without water. (to audience)(megaphone)
R Caring for our water resources is everybody’s business. (to audience)(megaphone)
SPJ And did you know drinking clean water improves school attendance. (to audience)(megaphone)
EM Shut those little slimy runts up! (she screams in her delirium)
Bob-O 4,000 kids die a day from drinking dirty water. They have NO choice. Only 1 out of 3 people have access to clean drinking water! (to audience- people walking around with signs)
SP We have the power to make a difference? Can we outsmart Eva Menila? (to each other)
Bob-O Maybe we can outfox her.  Let’s put our heads together. There was a man who worked for a company that made cigarettes. He knew cigarettes caused cancer, because he did an experiment on rats to see if smoke would make rats addicted sick⁄.
SPJ Did it?
Bob-O It sure did, that’s because it made them addicted first.
RJ You mean wike we aw addicted to fossu fuuls.
Bob-O That’s right. And he showed his evidence to his bosses.  
RJ -dat is goood. Boss can help!
Bob-O Well, they ordered him to kill his rats and keep quiet. Then they fired him. But they couldn’t silence him.
RJ Poe wats. Where is he now?
Bob-O Today he speaks against cigarettes all over the nation.
R We need someone like THAT to speak out about our fossil fuel addiction. Pete Seeger said we can ALL change the world with the Information Revolution.
RJ Pete seega? Wevalution?
SP Pete Seeger said to use the POWER OF SONG to bring people together.
RJ But isn’t that what Eva and Kong wants to do at da Norf Poe?
R Eva and Kong want Global warming. We don’t. We want everyone to work together to make the world a better place.
Bob-O  Every journey begins with the first email on the internet…..(to the crowd)
SPJ-Now we have the internet, the internet, the internet! (sing)
SP You can text in the morning before we go to school. I can text in the evening. It’s a very a helpful tool! (sing)
RJ- Whas a text Daddy? 

(SP, SPJ, R, Bob-o, RJ) (Make up movements)
MUSICAL # (to the tune of Gershwin’s' Fascinating Rhythm)
Information Revolution is on the go
Information Revolution is striking
We have to tell others about our big problem
Won’t you look at all this big mess we’re making
Each morning I get up with a frown
When I stop to look around
And look at all this mess that I found
I know that …if I open my mouth and spread the word around, maybe I can make a difference.
Let’s go tell lawmakers
If not you, then who will
Solve this problem now
And get the word out
Oh, how I wish the world could be pristine clean

Bob-O - Get your Cell phones out kids. We’re CALLING THE PRESIDENT TODAY! 
(Show kids texting and on the phone to each other, and then to President Obama. They are reciting a rote list of requests.)

___ (On Loudspeaker) Dear Friends, Call President Broccoli Barak today. Tell him - BAN FOSSIL FUELS and plastic bags! 1-888-660-2594 Tell him the whole story: People and animals are getting sick. TELL HIM: "FOSSIL FUEL EXTRACTION threatens the air we breathe, the water we drink, the communities we love and the climate on which we all depend. We need to go for the GREEN SOLUTION REVOLUTION!" (cheers)
R- He’s not picking up. (Phone goes to voicemail)
Jack Hey, it’s “Vice Prez Joe, Don’t You Know!” President Broccoli Barak is not at his desk. He’s being awesome somewhere else!)
SPJ- (he’s dialing along with everyone else) Wrong number?
LE (To the others) QUICK, IT’S THE PRESIDENT! He’s on the phone! What do I do? What do I do?!  (pulls herself together) Hello, Mr. President!
BB Evie, I saw your caller id and I recognized your name from the MAKE a Change music video you sent me.  You Green Dreamers are doing great work. Sasha can’t stop singing the song on your video…Listen, she’s singing it now!
”We Hate Methane gas, make the earth heat up real fast…(hear her in the background) (stomp dance)
Na x12
We hate greenhouse gas
Makes the Earth warm up real fast
We hate methane gas
Makes it hard to breathe in class
Ice is melting fast
Nature shows its dreaded wrath
Plastic in the trash
Over years dumps lots of cash

Listen politicians now!
Here’s the truth about all that now!
If we hate greenhouse gas
We must all reduce our trash!
We must all reduce methane gas!
BB What’s up Little Evie? What’s up?
LE Oh, Mr. President, we need your help!
Bob-O Do a three-way Evie (Evie presses a few buttons.) Mr. President.!!!
BB- Bob-O, Is that you?      
Bob-O Hey, Barak!! It’s been awhile. Remember the good ‘ol days! Activists, fight for your right. Activists have the right to fight for a right. And we are activists!! Ha! The good old times! But now we have a problem. It’s about the water about the water Barak…and the amber waves of grain…
BB and the purple mountains majesty? ( They start humming America the Beautiful together)
Bob-o Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. They’re getting contaminated!!!!
Reece SP Bob-O, a 4-way. Mr. President, Reece here, we need your help. Will you lead the world on the transition to clean GREEN energy? Last year, there was record heat and drought… millions of acres were lost to wildfires, and don’t forget Superstorm Sandy Devastation beyond anyone's imagination.
LE Mr. President! We’ve all taken the pledge to use less energy and we want you to join us. We want to be the change we want to see!
Reece Barak. Renewable energy. It’s time! Solar! Wind! Biofuel! Algae! CONSERVATION!  America must lead the way to green energy! It’s our future Barak. Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks. They led the march against racism. Now we must lead the march to save our planet's health.
BB I need your support if this is going to work! It will take sacrifice and self-discipline. I know. I could get Michele on that. She’ll have pedal-powered bikes in every school.
BB Every TV set, computer and video game must be powered by” pedal power”!
BB No more couch potatoes. All waste has to stop. We must think about every little thing we do and how it affects the earth.
R- Now you’re talking BB
SPJ- Lift your voices in defense of clean energy."
BB Wcan’t stand aside and let it happen or we will betray future generations. Leave the fossil fuels in the ground. We must preserve Mother Earth. I can’t live with her…and I definitely can’t live without her. We CAN stop global warming --------
Reece Sounds like you’re ready to take the pledge Broccoli Barak.
BB If the children are marching, I’ll march with them. I’ll see you soon.
(All Green Dreamers come marching and chanting in to join the animals!)
Use It Or Lose It
Please don’t abuse it
Use it or lose it
Would you rather die
From dehydration
Or try to solve, this situation?
Dehydration, can lead to medication
We need it for our nation
Work together
To make things better     
Let’s stop wasting
Let’s work together!
Would you rather stay in with a fever
Or go outside, and make believers?
There’s no time, for relaxation!
Try to resist, that extreme temptation
We need clean water
Each and every day
We need clean water
Hear what we say

(Methane Singers stand and come to the stage. Green Dreamers move the side and watch them)
We need more energy, and we need it now
We need more jobs, gotta get ‘em somehow
Natural Gas is clean, and it’s here here to stay.
We need the money, don’t care what you say,
Get out of our way, frackin’s here to stay,
Get out of our way! Get out of our way!
(The landsman) Rap (Jack)
And you can’t live without fossil fuels
You want to ride around on big ‘ol mules?
When the lights go off you’ll just jump,
Grab the keys and drive off to the pump
(Green Dreamers sing their CHORUS)
So you can’t live without Fracking that well!!!
You’ll SEE- You’ll SEE! Time will tell!
Just trust us, trust us, trust us! You’ll see
There ain’t no money that grows on a tree!
(Green Dreamers sing their CHORUS)
We’ve got jobs for you! 2x
50 bucks an hour! 2x
SP Don’t forget to take a shower
50 bucks an hour!
(Green Dreamers sing their CHORUS)
We need more energy, and we need it now
We need more jobs, gotta get ‘em somehow
Natural Gas is clean, and it’s here here to stay.
We need the money, don’t care what you say,
Get out of our way, frackin’s here to stay,
Get out of our way! Get out of our way!
(Green Dreamers sing their CHORUS 2x)

Bob-o Fracking produces jobs, but solar energy produces more jobs per megawatt than any other energy source!
SPJ And the last time there was a solar spill it was called a beautiful day!
EM (screams out) - Get out of our way, frackin’s here to stay!
LE- The world is running out of fresh water. The wasting of water is the major cause of climate change. Each time a gas well is fracked, it poisons millions of gallons of clean water and that water is contaminated forever!
EM (EM realizes that LE is gone and has joined the Green Dreamers.) (Eva hears Molly’s voice outside). Evie! Evie!! Get away from them!!!!! (Her nightmare wakes her)
R In the words of Amy Goodman,” Pull the curtain back and face the reality!”
ME This is a matter of life and death
EM YOU WANT TO KNOW THE REALITY OF LIFE! (She screams out the window), “FOSSIL FUELS are here to stay. PLASTIC is here to stay. The world is ADDICTED!!! You’re ALL ADDICTED!!!! I’ve WON!!! (She screams this and then faints).
RK Evaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! (concern) Quick, get EVA some fresh water!!!!!! Quick! Quick!!!!!!! Help!!!!!!!! Call the Green Dreamers!
Styro Foam Get the wata. Get the wata!!! Get the wata! (Kong pushes it away).
RK That’s Frack wata!!! (He hears the GREEN DREAMERS chanting CLEAN WATER for ALL CREATURES! CLEAN WATER for ALL!
LE (she rushes in) this is CLEAN WATER FROM NEW YORK CITY’S WATERSHED!! ( She shows everyone as she rushes in) ( She sees EM and goes to her side) Auntie!!!!
EM- EVIE (She whispers in a raspy voice and reaches out to her )
RK Are you sure it’s clean?
LE Auntie Eva, will you join the fight against FOSSIL FUELS and support a BAN ON PLASTIC???
RK Evie PLEASE! Take the Pledge!
LE Please Auntie! (She’s crying now) Take the Pledge! I Love you Auntie EVIE!
EM I love you too ducky! I pledge……..I’ll take the pledge……
R (Calls out the window) the shell! The shell! Eva will take the pledge to stop global warming! (The shell gets passed over everyone’s head and through the window!
LE Hold this memory shell.
EM Hold it for me Evie
LE Speak into the shell. Repeat after me!
EM (she starts to whimper and squeeze tight) I’m ready! (LE helps her up)
LE I pledge
EM I pledge
LE to stop using Fossil Fuels
EM to stop using Fossil Fuels
LE and to stop using plastic?
EM and to stop using ……
LE…you can do it.
EM Plastic! I DID IT! I DID IT!

(Enter butterflies)
Solar Butterfly Song
Repeat after me! Su-stain-able Sustainable!
Sustainable Solar is a gift from the sun
Harvesting it’s heat is safe and it’s fun,

Follow me and you will see,
I hold the secret to solar energy
Our beautiful sun that we all share,
It heats all creatures and it heats all air,

From our nearest star we can all draw power,
For charging a phone or a nice warm shower.
I’m addicted to the sun. It sustains my flight
From flower to flower, I fly like a kite
It’s been nice to play, but now I have to go,
My friend and I are off to Mexico!
Sustainability 3x that’s my name!
That’s her name
That’s OUR name! (they fly off)

LE Someday all you aquatics will look back at your life and say, Hey, I remember those guys. They’re the ones who helped put us on the road to cleansustainable energy?
Reece We won’t take the credit. The students did it, by convincing their parents!
LE To think that some of the most pristine water in the world could have been contaminated! Hey, don’t you think it’s time we changed your name.
SP Naa. I want people to remember the direction the world COULD have gone, how SAD life could have become!
SPJ Good idea, daddy. Let’s go dive for some anchovies!    
RJ Wets go Eva!
EM Wait for me Reece Junior! (They hold hands.) This little friend of mine. He is really fine!
Everyone joins hands and sings Mother Earth’s Clearwater Chant
After 6x Everyone joins hands to bow

Jake will call out each name for curtain call
Costume Designer
Flashback/Flashforward/Random Kid
Poppy McPop
Styro and Foam
Mini Menila
Methane and his Dancers
Josh The Fox
The Media
The Butterflies
Little Evie’s Mom
Little Evie
Sad Penguin Juniors
Reece Junior
Mother Earth
Broccoli Barak
Sad Penguin
Roberto Kong
Eva Menila

(Everyone joins hands and bows)

FACT to Share
When scientists examined the contents of a dead grey whale's stomach, they found more than 20 plastic bags. Seattle has now passed a ban on plastic bags. And so has: San Francisco; San Jose, California; Portland, Oregon; Brownsville, Texas; and Westport, Connecticut, as well as the Outer Banks of North Carolina and several counties in Hawaii, And Washington, D.C., has begun charging a five-cent tax on plastic bags to discourage customers from using them.
What do you think?
Enough solar energy hits the earth every hour to supply the entire word’s energy needs for a year.

No animals or people were injured in the making of this libretto! …and all the plastic was reused and will now be recycled for the next  showing of NO MORE PLASTICII
Remember Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott? It took a while, but the bus boycott worked. The reason it worked was because the people who rode the buses were determined. If you’re determined to help stop global warming you can start right now by taking the pledge, like Eva Menila did.
Have the audience recite the pledge.

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