PS 10 Alumni Class Meet-Up

Hi Ruthie, Matteo, Akira, Calla, Mirai, and Zoe! April 5th 2021

Spring Peepers

Seaspiracy | Official Trailer | Netflix

FORBES Netflix’s ‘Seaspiracy’ Is A Powerful Appetite Suppressant

The Hindu

Legislative Action

Breathe This Air: A # Plastic Justice Film

‘Seaspiracy’ Review: Got Any Scandals? Go Fish.



Hi Ruthie, Matteo, Akira, Calla, Kaitlyn and Zoe!

Great to meet up yesterday and talk about MUSHROOMS. Here are the links to all the info I shared with you at our last two session in case you want to review it or share it with someone. I only showed clips from Fabulous Fungi and from Mochi and Waffles. You'll need to purchase FF from Amazon if you want to watch the whole show. I recommend watching it with your parents because there may be some info there that needs further explanation. Mochi and Waffles is on Netfix so you'll need to access an account. 

Are Mushrooms the Future of Wellness? Could be!

Ecovative Design: Manufactured Wood Made Without Trees This is incredible!!!

Fungus furniture: Can mushrooms replace plastic? HOPE so!


Will Mushrooms Be Magic for Threatened Bees? BY Paul Stamets

WAFFLES and MOCHI Trailer I'm hooked!


Mushroom Grow Kits in Brooklyn! They really work! 

The MUSHROOM Festival in PA Sounds like FUN!

Here's a clip from another film from Louie Schwartzberg who did Fantastic Funghi

Disneynature: Wings of Life

Here's the podcast I took my notes from last week.
louie-schwartzberg The podcast is called Sustainable World Radio. I LOVE it! 



Welcome Ruthie, Henry, Matteo, Akira, and Calla. 

This page will include all the notes and links that I share with you at our Zoom Meet-Ups. For now, all the notes will be on the same link. 

The 1619 Project

Notes on Episode 1

They had been made black by those who believe themselves to be white and where they were headed black equals slave.

My dad always flew an American flag in our front yard

My dad was born in Greenwood Mississippi. That county lynched more people in that state and more people in that county than any other county or state in the country.

He joined the military. He wanted his country to see him as an American. In the service he was passed up for opportunities. He was only eligible for service jobs.

Why did he love a country so much they clearly did not love him? Nicole stopped saying the pledge of allegiance and stopped singing the national anthem when she was a young girl. She started researching on her own reading and thinking.

She realized that her dad understood things that she never knew.

The elderly gentleman who was interviewed had a granddad who belonged to Thomas Jefferson. He said he didn’t like to talk about it because it makes people feel bad. Thomas Jefferson‘s father-in-law had a child with his slave. The same slave was Thomas Jefferson’s slave who was with him when he was writing the constitution. (Contradiction) 

After the Civil War Lincoln appointed an immigration officer to send blacks back to Africa. Lincoln stated “blacks are troublesome presence. Incompatible for the democracy designed for white people. Free them? And make them socially equal? Even if I would admit of this, the great majority of Americans would be politically and socially opposed to this.

In response to this request the freed blacks said “here we were born and here we will die. This is our home and this is our country. “The formally enslaved went on to push the white allies in Congress to change the constitution instead. They believed they should work to make the founding ideals a reality.

 They needed to pass the 13th amendment. Ironically this was the first time slavery is ever mentioned in the Constitution.

They needed to pass the 14th amendment which guarantees citizenship and it had a clause that said people cannot be treated differently because of their race. 

And then they went on to pass the 15th amendment which guaranteed the right to vote ironically this was only for black men.

The only way this could’ve happened was because Lincoln assigned federal troops to hold back the violence. In 1876 Rutherford b Hayes was voted in. He ran on withdrawing federal troops.

The campaign to suppress black lives has never stopped.

SCENE on RADIO notes

BONUS EPISODE: Election 2020 November 24th 2020

Three takeaways from the election

Our Postal Service is working well

Yes voter intimidation and violence at voting polls did not take place

The Russians did not hack into our system

Voter suppression has been documented and widespread up until 1965. Since then it’s still happening but it’s been done in a more devious way. Gerrymandering. Taking away voting rights of convicted felons.

Which of the republican party launched a systematic effort to disenfranchise voters in 2020. They fought against mail in voting, drive-by voting, drop boxes. They shrunk the amount of time people could vote. They filed lawsuits about this. They tried to get the courts to throw out millions of votes in states and towns across the country, concentrating on the blackest cities. 

This has been D pattern in American democracy. The Democrats say that Trump was voted out in an attempt to preserve democracy. But, it’s been said, “democracy is only as democratic as its people are. “

74 million Americans voted for Donald Trump. That’s ten million more than voted for him last time. Trump is openly racist, misogynistic, doing what he can to cut back regulations that would mitigate climate change, his taxes prove that he has huge debts, he got impeached, he is profited financially from his office which is against the law, he has been hugging dictators, separating children from their parents at the border, he has been lying daily, he has done what he can to control the three branches of government most recently the Supreme Court and his packed lower courts with conservative judges.

Conservative white men put Trump into office. Half of White women also voted for him. Conservative white Christian women said that Trump is their bodyguard against anti-Christian ideals.

So what are anti-Christian ideals?

Who is Trump their bodyguard against?

Greater security for all?

Greater equity for all?


Millions of people have bought into trumps lies. Millions of people believe that the Democrats stole the election.

How can we all agree on basic facts?

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